Although Hans Rott already died at the age of 25 and had
destroyed some of his compositions before his death (among
them his string sextet) a considerable number of his works
has come down to us, despite his short life.
This index has been compiled to offer a survey of Rott's
musical estate. It is based upon the work of Nowak
and Banks (unpublished thesis) which has been partly
corrected and amended according to the latest research results
(especially those by Johannes Volker Schmidt).
Within the individual sections the works are listed in chronological
order whenever the exact date and order could have been established.
Then follow the remaining works in alphabetical order of the
German titles.
The words "sketch" and "draft" are
taken from Banks
and mark an early resp. later date.
Nowak resp. Banks refers
to the numbering in the respective works indexes. As far
as works are listed in
the index of performable works in Musik-Konzepte no. 103/104
these have been marked with "M-K" and the corresponding
page number.
Every care has been taken, but mistakes cannot be ruled out
completely, the more so as no autograph-based check could
have been performed.
see also Index of Playable
Works |
4. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS (compositions not clearly to
be classified as well as sketches and studies)
Herrmannsschlacht. Oper
(Herrmann's Battle. Opera)
(Nowak no. 9 / Banks no. 16)
July - September 1876
- Various autograph piano sketches
- "Introduction to the first part", incomplete autograph piano
score with detailed notes on instrumentation (37 bars)
- one autograph piano score (25 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.312 (6 sheets.) |
Choralsatz (?)
C-Dur für gemischten
Chor und Orchester
(Choral Theme (?) in C major for mixed chorus and
(Nowak no. 11 / Banks no. 14)
August 4, 1877 (Nowak) or August 1879 (Banks)
Autograph full score, no text (42 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.304 (4 sheets) |
Offertorium Es-Dur
(?) für Soli, gemischten
Chor, Orchester und Orgel
(Offertorium in E-flat major (?) for soli, mixed chorus,
orchestra and organ)
(Nowak no. 5 / Banks no. 10)
July 19, 1878
Incomplete autograph piano sketch (2 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.305 (2 sheets) |
Sanctus a-Moll
für vierstimmigen gemischten
Chor und Orchester
(Sanctus in a minor for mixed chorus of four voices
and orchestra)
(Nowak no. 2/1 / Banks no. 9)
(1878 ?)
Incomplete autograph short score (34 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.302 (1 sheet) |
Tantum ergo G-Dur
für vierstimmigen
gemischten Chor, Streichquartett und Orgel
(Tantum ergo in G major mixed chorus of four voices,
string quartet and organ)
(Nowak no. 8 / Banks no. 1)
March 11, 1877
Complete autograph short score (26 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.310 (1 sheet) |
Pater noster F-Dur
für Bass, Streichquartett
(?) und Kontrabass
(Pater noster in F major for bass, string quartet
(?) and contrabass)
(Nowak no. 7 / Banks no. 11)
November 13, 1878
Incomplete autograph sketch (c. 47 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.309 (2 sheets) |
Pater noster G-Dur
für Bass/Bariton, Streichquartett und Kontrabass
(Pater noster in G major for bass/baritone, string
quartet and contrabass)
(Nowak no. 6 / Banks no. 13 / M-K 162 f.)
no date (presumably 1876)
102 bars
Complete autograph sketch - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.306 (1 sheet)
Complete autograph full score - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.307 (2 sheets)
A set of parts (not all autograph) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.308 (2
sheets vocal parts and 7 sheets string parts) |
Das Echo d-Moll
(The Echo in d minor)
("Ein Mädchen weint im Waldesgrund"/"A maiden is weeping in
the forest's depth" - Vincenz Zusner)
(Nowak no. 17 / Banks no. 17)
February 24, 1876 (Nowak) resp. February 27, 1876 (Banks)
Incomplete autograph piano sketch (15 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.319 (1 sheet)
see also Das Echo (The Echo) in g minor for mixed chorus
(Nowak no. 12 / Banks no. 28 / M-K 166)
Abendglöcklein Es-Dur.
Lied für Alt und Klavier
(The Little Evening Bell in E-flat major. Song for
alto and piano)
("Des Glöckleins Schall"/"The little bell is resounding" -
Vincenz Zusner)
(Nowak no. 15 / Banks no. 20 / M-K 166
March 24, 1876 (Nowak) resp. August 24, 1876 (Banks)
Complete autograph piano draft (c. 28 bars) -
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.317 (1 sheet) |
Das Veilchen G-Dur.
Lied für Sopran oder Tenor und Klavier
(The Violet in G major. Song for soprano or tenor
and piano)
("Als ich das Veilchen heut' gefragt"/"When I asked the violet
today" - Vincenz Zusner)
(Nowak no. 24 / Banks no. 21 / M-K 169)
February 20, 1877
Complete autograph piano sketch with three versions of the ending
(30 - 39 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.327 (2 sheets) |
Verräter Es-Dur (?). Lied für Singstimme
und Klavier
(The Traitor in E-flat major (?). Song for voice and
("Du fragst verwundert: welcher Mund"/"You ask astonished: what
mouth" - Vincenz Zusner)
(Nowak no. 26 / Banks no. 22)
March 21, 1877 (Nowak) resp. March 11, 1877 (Banks)
Incomplete autograph sketch, melody only (4 ½ bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.327 (1 sheet) |
Sänger D-Dur. Ballade
für Bass und Klavier
(The Singer in D major. Ballad for bass and piano)
("Was hör' ich draußen vor dem Tor?"/What do I hear outside
the gate?" - J. W. v. Goethe)
Meinem John/To My John
(Nowak no. 22 / Banks no. 26 / M-K 169
May 31, 1880
Rott dedicated this song to his fried John Leo Löwy (1856-1833),
the elder brother of Friedrich Friedrich Löwy/Löhr.
Complete autograph score (118 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.325a
(4 sheets)
Complete autograph (?) piano score - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.325b (3
Complete autograph (?) vocal part (no text after the first 26
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.325c (5 sheets) |
Lieder des Rattenfängers von Hameln
- Julius Wolff
Nr. 2: "Still ist's im Wald". Lied für Bass und Klavier
(The Songs of Pied Piper of Hamelin - Julius Wolff
No. 2: "It is Quiet in the Forest". Song for bass and piano)
(Nowak no. 21/2 / Banks no. ?)
June 4 - 6, 1880, Hernals
Incomplete score (?)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.324/2 (1 sheet) |
Lieder des Rattenfängers von Hameln
- Julius Wolff
Nr. 3: "Sonnenschein goldblitzende Käfer" A-Dur.
Lied für Bass und Klavier
(The Songs of Pied Piper of Hamelin - Julius Wolff
No. 3: "Sunlight, Golden-flashing Beetles" in A major.
Song for bass and piano)
(Nowak no. 21/3 / Banks no. 23)
February 4 - June 13, 1880
Incomplete autograph sketch, vocal part complete, the first
24 bars with piano accompaniment (c. 104 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.324/3 (2 sheets) |
Sterne machen mich jung und alt" A-Dur. Lied für
Tenor und Klavier
("Two Stars Make me Young and Old" in A major. Song
for tenor and piano)
(Julius Wolff, Hochzeitslieder Nr. 2/Julius Wolff, Wedding
Songs no. 2)
(Nowak no. 23 / Banks no. 27)
August 29, 1880
Incomplete autograph sketch, vocal part apparently complete
(107 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.326 (2 sheets) |
"An meiner
Türe, du blühender Zweig" A-Dur. Lied für Bass und
("On My Door, You Blooming Twig" in A major. Song
for bass and piano)
(Nowak no. 16 / Banks no. 29)
Incomplete autograph (?) score (26 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.318
(2 sheets)
Incomplete autograph sketch of melody, no text (16 bars) - ÖNB
Mus. Hs. 28.333 (Nowak no. 30) |
Lieder des Rattenfängers von Hameln - Julius
Ballade aus dem Rattenfänger es-Moll für Bass und Klavier
(The Songs of Pied Piper of Hamelin - Julius Wolff
Ballad from Pied Piper of Hamelin in e-flat minor for
bass and piano (?))
(Nowak no. ? / Banks no. 25)
Spring/summer 1880 (?)
Complete (?) autograph (?) vocal part, no text (c. 158 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.325 |
Geistergruß f-Moll.
Lied für Bass u. Klavier
(Ghost Greetings in f minor. Song for bass and piano)
("Hoch auf dem alten Turm"/"High up on the ancient tower" -
J. W. v. Goethe)
(Nowak no. 18 / Banks no. 30 / M-K 168
Complete autograph score (36 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.320 (2 sheets) |
Mailied A-Dur
für Sopran oder Tenor und Klavier
(May Song in A major. Song for soprano or tenor and piano)
("Wie herrlich leuchtet mir die Natur"/"How gloriously nature
shines upon me" - J. W. v. Goethe)
(Nowak no. 19 / Banks no. 36 / M-K 167
June 28, 1876 ("11½ - 12¾ at night")
[This date could refer also to Wanderers Nachtlied (Wanderers
Night Song) in E-flat major. Song for bass or baritone and
piano (Nowak no. 27 / Banks no. 19 / M-K 167)]
Complete autograph piano sketch with text (35 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.321 (2 sheets) |
Meeresstille und
glückliche Fahrt C-Dur. Ballade für Bass und Klavier
(Calm Sea and Pleasant Journey in C major. Ballad
for bass and piano)
("Tiefe Stille herrscht im Wasser"/"In the water a deep calm
prevails" - J. W. v. Goethe)
(Nowak no. 20 / Banks no. 31)
Incomplete autograph sketch (c. 41 bars)
Complete vocal part which differs considerably from the sketch
(29 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.322 (2 sheets) |
"Mir ist
ein schöns brauns meidelein" G-Dur für Klavier und
("To Me a Beautiful Brown Maiden" in G major.
Song for piano and voice)
(Aus: "Der dritte Theil schöner, lieblicher, alter & neuer
Liedlein." Nürnberg 1546/From: "Beautiful, Sweet, Old
& New Little Songs, Part Three." Nuremberg 1546)
(Nowak no. 51 / Banks no. 32)
Possibly incomplete autograph piano sketch, no text (c. 26 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.323 (2 sheets) |
Lieder des Rattenfängers von Hameln - Julius
Nr. 1: "Die Schuhe geflickt" G-Dur. Lied für
Tenor und Klavier
(The Songs of Pied Piper of Hamelin - Julius Wolff
No. 1: "Patch the Shoes" in G major. Song for tenor and
(Nowak no. 21/1 / Banks no. 24)
March 1880 (?)
Incomplete autograph score (c. 13 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.324/1 (2 sheets) |
Skizzen zu Liedmelodien
(Sketches for Song Melodies)
(Nowak no. 30 / Banks no. ? - see no. 29)
1. "Die Schuhe geflickt" ("Patch the Shoes")
[see "Die Schuhe geflickt" ("Patch the Shoes") in
G major. Song for tenor and piano (Nowak no. 21/1 / Banks
no. 24)]
2. "Im Dorfe blüht die Linde" ("In the Village the
Lime TreeBlooms")
3. "An meiner Türe, du blühender Zweig" ("On My Door,
You Blooming Twig")
[see. "An meiner Türe, du blühender Zweig" ("On My
Door, You Blooming Twig") in A major. Song for bass and
piano (Nowak no. 16 / Banks no. 29)]
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.333 (1 sheet) |
Skizzen zu Liedmelodien
(Sketches for Song Melodies)
(Nowak no. ? / Banks no. ?)
1882 or later, written in the lunatic asylum
(see Harten, Hans Rott (1858-1884), p. 218) |
Vergißmeinnicht G-Dur.
Lied für Tenor und Klavier
(The Forget-Me-Not in G major. Song for tenor and
("Das liebliche Vergißmeinnicht"/"The lovely forget-me-not" -
Vincenz Zusner)
(Nowak no. 25 / Banks no. 33 / M-K 168)
Complete copy of the score (Nowak), according to Banks
autograph (32 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.328 (2 Sheets) |
Wanderers Nachtlied Es-Dur.
Lied für Bass oder Bariton und Klavier
(Wanderer's Night Song in E-flat major. Song for bass
or baritone and piano)
("Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh"/"Over all the peaks there is calm" -
J. W. v. Goethe)
(Nowak no. 27 / Banks no. 19 / M-K 167)
June 28, 1876 ("11½ - 12¾ at night")
[This date could also refer to Mailied (May Song) in
A major for soprano or tenor and piano (Nowak no. 19
/ Banks no. 36 / M-K 167 f.)]
There are three copies which, according to Nowak, have
three different preludes; as from the beginning of the vocal
part on the development is said to be relatively similar.
Incomplete autograph piano sketch (24 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs.
28.321 (1 sheet.)
Incomplete autograph score (34 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.329
(1 sheet)
Complete autograph score (40 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.330 (1sheet)
Fragmentary piano score of the ending of the setting (10 bars)
- ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.330 (1 sheet) |
Winterlied g-Moll.
Lied für Bariton und Klavier
(Winter Song in g minor. Song for baritone and piano)
("Die Bäume sind mit Reif geschmückt"/"The trees are adorned
with rime" - Autor unbekannt/unknown author)
Heft für Helene + Mathilde/Notebook for Helene + Mathilde
(Nowak no. 28 / Banks no. 34 / M-K 170)
Complete (?) sketch with text (c. 83 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.331 (1 sheet) |
"Zwei Wünsche,
sprach sie, gibt es nur" e-moll.
Lied für Sopran oder Tenor und Klavier
(Two Wishes in e minor. Song for soprano or tenor
and piano)
("Zwei Wünsche, sprach sie, gibt es nur"/"It's just two wishes,
she said" - Autor unbekannt/unknown author)
(Nowak no. 29 / Banks no. 35)
Complete autograph fair copy with corrections (25 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.332 (1 sheet) |
Pastoral-Messe G-Dur
für vierstimmigen
gemischten Chor (und Orchester ?)
(Pastoral Mass in G major for mixed chorus of four
voices (and orchestra?))
(Nowak no. 3 / Banks no. 2)
August 23, 1877
Complete autograph short score of the Kyrie (47 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.303 (3 sheets) |
Gloria D-Dur
für vierstimmigen gemischten
Chor (und Orchester ?)
(Gloria in D major for mixed chorus of four voices
(and orchestra?))
(Nowak no. 1 / Banks no. 3)
August 28, 1877
Incomplete autograph sketch (41 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.301 (5 sheets) |
Agnus - Choral
(Agnus - choral)
(Nowak no. 1 / Banks no. 5)
January 25, 1878 (Nowak) resp. January 27, 1878 (Banks)
Incomplete autograph sketch (c. 31 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.301 (5 sheets) |
Kyrie a-Moll
für vierstimmigen gemischten
Chor (und Orchester ?)
(Kyrie in a minor for mixed chorus of four voices
(and orchestra?))
(Nowak no. 1 / Banks no. 4)
January 28, 1878
Possibly complete autograph sketch (c. 62 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.301 (5 sheets) |
Agnus a-Moll
für vierstimmigen gemischten
Chor (und Orchester ?)
(Agnus in a minor for mixed chorus of four voices
(and orchestra?))
(Nowak no. 1 / Banks no. 6)
January 28, 1878
Incomplete autograph sketch (c. 23 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.301 (5 sheets) |
Sanctus C-Dur
für vierstimmigen gemischten
Chor (und Orchester ?)
(Sanctus in C major for mixed chorus of four voices
(and orchestra?)
(Nowak no. 2/3 / Banks no. 7)
April 24, 1878 (Nowak) resp. April 27, 1878 (Banks)
Complete autograph short score (45 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.302 (3 sheets) |
Sanctus für
vierstimmigen gemischten Chor (und Orchester ?)
(Sanctus for mixed chorus of four voices (and orchestra?)
(Nowak no. 2/2 / Banks no. 8)
Incomplete autograph sketch (24 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.302 (3 sheets) |
Der Tod. Oratorium
(Death. Oratorio)
(Nowak no. 10 / Banks no. 15)
April 22, 1880
Various theme drafts:
Choral melody in e minor (18 bars)
Fuga theme in C major (c. 9 bars)
Fuga theme in A-flat major (4 bars)
Fuga theme in e minor (6 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.311 in 28.340 |
Sanctus für
vierstimmigen gemischten Chor (und Orchester ?)
(Sanctus in C major for mixed chorus of four voices
(and orchestra?))
(Nowak no. 1 / Banks no. 12)
Incomplete autograph sketch (c. 37 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.301 (5 sheets) |
(Chorus of the Epigones in A major)
("Liebe und Eintracht, sie halten immerdar"/"Love and harmony
are presiding forever" - Autor unbekannt/unknown author)
(Nowak no. 13 / Banks no. 18 / M-K 165
April 15, 1876
Complete autograph short score (30 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.315 (1 sheet) |
Das Echo g-Moll
für gemischten Chor
(The Echo in g minor for mixed chorus)
("Ein Mädchen weint im Waldesgrund"/"A maiden is weeping
in the forest's depth - Vincenz Zusner)
(Nowak no. 12 / Banks no. 28 / M-K 166)
Complete autograph score sketch (33 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.313
(3 sheets)
Complete autograph piano sketch (50 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.314
(3 sheets)
see also Das Echo (The Echo) in d minor (Nowak
no. 17 / Banks no. 17) |
Symphonie für
Streichorchester (achtstimmig) As-Dur
(Symphony for String Orchestra (eight parts) in A-flat
(Nowak no. 37 / Banks no. 37 / M-K 158f.)
A fourth movement is missing. But see Symphonie-Finale/Symphony
Finale (Nowak no. 38 / Banks no. 38)
Complete autograph score (107 - 72 - 296 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs.
28.341 (30 sheets)
Complete set of parts (Nowak: copy; Banks: autograph) - ÖNB
Mus. Hs. 28.342 (111 sheets) |
(Symphony Finale in F major)
(Nowak no. 38 / Banks no. 38)
February 5, 1876
Extensive autograph sketches in short score in F major - ÖNB
Mus. Hs. 28.343-345 (a total of 4 sheets)
Draft (c. 20 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.381 (1 sheet)
This may have been intended for a finale for the Symphonie für
Streichorchester/Symphony for String Orchestra (Nowak
no. 37 / Banks no. 37 / M-K 158f.) |
Marsch der Scharwache für
(March of the Scharwache [= a special kind of guard]
in c-sharp minor for orchestra)
(Nowak no. 31 / Banks no. 40)
October 9, 1876
Incomplete autograph score sketch - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.362 (5
Complete part for trumpet in E (c. 68 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs.
28.363 (1 sheet)
Complete parts for horns in E - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.306-308 |
(Orchestral Prelude in E major)
(Nowak no. 32 / Banks no. 41)
June 12 - November 7,1876 ("1/2 (!) o'clock at night.")
Complete autograph full score - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.350 (7 sheets)
Piano sketches (71 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.351 (3 sheets) |
Hamlet-Ouvertüre a-Moll
(Overture to "Hamlet" in a minor)
(Nowak no. 39 / Banks no. 39)
July 15- November 19, 1876
Complete autograph short score, title: "Ein Vorspiel zu "Hamlet" für Orchester"/"A Prelude to "Hamlet" for
- ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.353 (13 sheets)
Fragment of the autograph full score (the first 34 bars) - ÖNB
Mus. Hs. 28.352 (4 sheets) |
Vorspiel zu "Julius
Cäsar" B-Dur
(A Prelude to "Julius Caesar" in B major
(Nowak no. 40 / Banks no. 42 / M-K 159)
April 10 - 30, 1877
Complete autograph full score - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.354 (9 sheets)
Copyist's full score - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.355 (16 sheets)
Complete set of orchestral parts (copy) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.356
(64 sheets)
Fragment of (autograph) short score (149 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs.
28.357 (1 sheet) |
Suite für
Orchester B-Dur
(Suite for Orchestra in B flat major)
(Nowak no. 34 / Banks no. 43)
February 28 - May 25, 1877
Various autograph sketches
- for the first movement (95 bars - 1 sheet)
- Draft score of the scherzo (6 sheets)
- Draft of a trio (1 sheet) - for the last movement (150 bars
- 3 sheets)
- Score sketch for the last movement (1 sheet - 11 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.349 (12 sheets) |
Pastorales Vorspiel für
Orchester F-Dur
(Pastoral Prelude for Orchestra in F major)
(Nowak no. 41 / Banks no. 44 / M-K 161)
June 17, 1877 - June 15, 1880
Complete autograph full score (326 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.358
(26 sheets)
Copyist's full score - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.359 (40 sheets)
Complete set of orchestral parts - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.361 (135
Piano sketches - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.360 (8 sheets) |
1. Symphonie
(Symphony No. 1 in E major)
(Nowak no. 35 / Banks no. 45 / M-K 159
· Complete copyist's full score of movement 1- ÖNB Mus. Hs.
28.334 (34 sheets)
· Autograph full score of movements 2-4 - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.335
(96 sheets)
· Autograph inserted sheets for movement 1 - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.338
(3 sheets)
· Copyist's sets of parts, movements 1-3 - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.337
(584 sheets)
· Set of parts, partly by copyist, partly autograph, movement
1 - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.336 (115 sheets)
Sketches (for the movements 1-4, for movement 2 and two autograph
sketches for movement 4) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.339 (28 sheets) |
2. Symphonie
(Symphony No. 2)
(Nowak no. 36 / Banks no. 46)
January 1 - August 4, 1880
Various autograph fragments and sketches
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.340 (6 sheets) |
Suite in E-Dur
(Suite in E major)
(Nowak no. 33 / Banks no. 47 / M-K 161
Score of the first and the last movement, parts and sketches
Complete autograph full score (69 - 95 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs.
28.346 (15 sheets)
Parts - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.347 (81 sheets)
Autograph sketches (among others. "Second Movement for the Suite"
- more than 50 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.348 (6 sheets) |
Satz für
Streichquartett G-Dur op. I
(Movement for String Quartet in G major, op. I)
(Nowak no. 67 / Banks no. 54)
(before 1874?)
Complete autograph piano sketch (94 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.398
(1 sheet)
Complete set of parts with an additional introduction of 56
bars - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.399 (4 sheets) |
Komposition D-Dur op. III
(Composition in D major, op. III)
(Nowak no. 68 / Banks no. 55)
Possibly complete autograph parts for two violins (?) (17 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.400 (1 sheet) |
für Streichquartett C-Dur
op. V
(Movement for String Quartet in C major, op. V)
(Nowak no. 69 / Banks no. 56)
Incomplete autograph score sketch (66 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs.
28.401 (4 sheets)
Fragmentaric autograph sketches
Complete autograph part of the second violin (119 bars) - ÖNB
Mus. Hs. 28.402 (1 sheet) |
für Streichquartett
C-Dur op. VII
(Movement for String Quartet in C major, op. VII)
(Nowak no. 70 / Banks no. 57)
Possibly complete autograph score (c. 284 bars) - ÖNB Mus.
Hs. 28.403 (6 sheets)
Complete autograph part of the first violin (c. 309 bars) - ÖNB
Mus. Hs. 28.404 (4 sheets) |
Sextett für
(Sextet for String Instruments)
(Nowak no. 42 / Banks no. 48)
August, 1880
Score lost, only some autograph melody sketches survived
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.364 (1 sheet) |
"Dachs-Studie" D-Dur
für Streichquintett
("Dachs Study" in D major for String Quintet)
(Nowak no. 43 / Banks no. 49 / M-K 163
Complete autograph score sketch - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.365 (14 sheets)
Complete (according to Nowak only in part) autograph
parts - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.368 (37 sheets)
Fragment of an autograph score of movement 1 (bars 31-59) - ÖNB
Mus. Hs. 28.366 (1 sheet)
Sheet of autograph sketches - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.367 (1 sheet) |
Fuge D-Dur
für Streichquartett
(Fuga in D major for String Quartet)
(Nowak no. 45 / Banks no. 51)
Complete autograph piano sketch (c. 48 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.372 (2 sheets) |
(String Quartet in c minor)
(Nowak no. 44 / Banks no. 50 / M-K 164
Complete autograph score of movements 3 - 5 - ÖNB Mus. Hs.
28.369 (10 sheets)
Complete, partly autograph parts of movements 1, 2 and 5 - ÖNB
Mus. Hs. 28.371 (25 sheets)
Incomplete autograph sketch of the main theme of movement 1
- ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.351 (1 sheet)
Incomplete autograph sketch of the first three movements - ÖNB
Mus. Hs. 28.370 (4 sheets) |
Trio d-Moll
für Klavier, Violine
und Violoncello
(Trio in d minor for piano, violin and violoncello)
(Nowak no. 46 / Banks no. 52)
Incomplete autograph piano sketch of one movement (34 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.373 (1 sheet) |
Klavierkomposition C-Dur
(Composition for piano in C major)
(Nowak No. 50/2 / Banks No. 62)
December 6, 1875
Complete autograph sketch (45 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.377 (1
Sketch for the trio - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.392 |
Menuett Des-Dur
für Klavier
(Minuet in D-flat major for piano)
(Nowak no. 50/1 / Banks no. 61 / M-K 171)
December 6, 1875 in Vienna
Complete autograph copy (91 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.377 (1 sheet) |
Andantino F-Dur
für Klavier
(Andantino in F major for piano)
(Nowak no. 48 / Banks no. 66)
Possibly complete autograph sketch (c. 28 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.375 (1 sheet) |
Fuga c-Moll
für Klavier zu 4 Händen
(Fuga in c minor for piano for four hands)
(Nowak no. 47 / Banks no. 65 / M-K 171)
Complete autograph score (41 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.374 (3 sheets) |
Idylle D-Dur
für Klavier
(Idyll in D major for piano)
(Nowak no. 49 / Banks no. 67 / M-K 171)
Complete autograph piano sketch (58 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.376 (1 sheet) |
Komposition C-Dur
für Klavier
(Composition in C major for piano)
(Nowak no. 60 / Banks no. 60)
Autograph sketch (29 ½ bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.393 (1 sheet) |
Scherzo a-Moll
für Klavier
(Scherzo in a minor for piano)
(Nowak no. 52 / Banks no. 68)
Incomplete autograph draft (c. 142 bars)
Incomplete autograph sketch (c. 36 bars, scherzo only)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.378 (2 sheets) |
(compositions not clearly to be classified as well as sketches
and studies)
Choral vokal? instrumental?
(Choral vocal? instrumental?)
(Nowak no. 4 / Banks no. ?)
July 7, 1877
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.360, fol. 3 |
Anton Bruckner, IV. Symphonie,
2. Fassung (1880) Andante
(Anton Bruckner, Symphony No. 4, second version (1880)
(Nowak no. 79 / Banks no. 84)
Autograph copy of the last 34 bars in short score
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.409 (2 sheets) |
Choral und Fuge a 4 voci g-moll
(Hymn and Fuga a 4 voci in g minor)
(Nowak no. 53 / Banks no. 69)
Complete autograph sketch (c. 78 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.379 (2 sheets) |
1. Durchführung
(Double Fuga. First development)
(Nowak no. 54 / Banks no. ?)
Study. Finalization obviously not intended because it breaks
off with "etc.".
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.343, verso |
Doppelter Kontrapunkt der
Oktave C-Dur
(Double counterpoint of the octave in C major)
(Nowak no. 58 / Banks no. 73)
Possibly complete autograph draft (48 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.385 (1 sheet) |
(Fuga in C major)
(Nowak no. 74 / Banks no. 72 / M-K 170)
Complete autograph draft (33 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.383 (1 sheet) ) |
Fuge für
3 Stimmen d-Moll
(Fuga for three parts in d minor)
(Nowak no. 56 / Banks no. 71)
Incomplete (?) autograph draft (29 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.382 (1 sheet) |
Fuge in G a 3 voci
(Fuga in G a 3 voci)
October 8 [no year]
(Nowak no. 55 / Banks no. 70)
Complete autograph draft (c. 55 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.381 (2 sheet) |
Kanon für
3 Stimmen
(Canon for three voices)
(Nowak no. 57 / Banks no. ?)
Autograph fragment (the last 7 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.384 (1 sheet) |
Klavierkomposition C-Dur
(Composition for piano in C major)
(Nowak no. ? / Banks no. 79)
While Nowak seems to consider this piece a continuation
of the Eine Szene aus Schillers Glocke
(Scene from Schiller's "The Bell") in C major (Nowak
no. 66 / Banks no. 83), Banks considers this composition
a work in its own right
Incomplete autograph sketch of the end of a movement (22 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.391 (1 sheet) |
Klavierkomposition C-Dur
(Composition for piano in C major)
(Nowak no. 35 / Banks no. 82)
Incomplete autograph sketch (18 bars)
Nowak considers this piece a sketch for movement 2 of
the Symphony No. 1 in E major (Nowak no. 35 /
Banks no. 45 / M-K 159 f.)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.396 (1 sheet) |
Komposition B-Dur
(für Violine
und Klavier?)
(Composition for piano in B major (for violin and
(Nowak no. 62 / Banks no. 53)
Fragment of an autograph piano sketch (c. 14 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.397 (1 sheet) |
Komposition C-Dur
(Composition in C major)
(Nowak no. 59 / Banks no. 74)
Banks presumes a work for the piano.
Possibly complete sketch (80 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.386 (1 sheet) |
Komposition E-Dur
(Composition in E major)
(Nowak no. 14 / Banks no. 64)
Nowak presumes a chorus setting, as Rott has noted the
scope of voices of the individual type of voices at the end.
Complete autograph piano sketch (54 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.316 (1 sheet) |
Komposition g-Moll
(Composition in g minor)
(Nowak no. 61 / Banks no. 81)
Banks presumes a work for the piano.
Incomplete autograph sketch (10 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.394 (1 sheet) |
Menuett Es-Dur
(Minuet in E-flat major)
(Nowak no. 63 / Banks no. 63)
8. 6. [no year] (1876?)
The trio is written in A-flat major .
Complete autograph sketch (36 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.387 (1 sheet) |
Satz für
(Movement for string quartet)
(Nowak no. 71 / Banks no. ?)
Autograph score
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.405 (2 sheets) |
Satz für
Streichquartett C-Dur
(Movement for string quartet in C major)
(Nowak no. 72 / Banks no. 58 / M-K 162)
Possibly complete autograph score sketch (59 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.406 (1 sheet) |
Satz für
(Movement for string quartet in C major)
(Nowak no. 73 / Banks no. 59)
Complete autograph score sketch (93 bars) - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.407
(2 sheets)
Complete parts of viola and violoncello - ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.408
(2 sheets) |
Satzstudie (Nowak) / Klavierstück
(Movement study (Nowak) / Piano piece
(Nowak no. 64 / Banks no. 75)
Two incomplete autograph drafts in E major (20 bars) and C major
(44 bars) based upon the same materials.
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.388 (1 sheet) |
Satzstudie (Nowak) / Klavierstück
(Banks) B-Dur
(Movement study (Nowak) / Piano piece (Banks)
in B major)
(Nowak no. 75/2 / Banks no. 77)
Incomplete autograph draft (15 ½ bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.389 (1 sheet) |
Satzstudie (Nowak) / Klavierstück
(Banks) D-Dur
(Movement study (Nowak) / Piano piece (Banks)
in D major)
(Nowak no. 75/1 / Banks no. 76)
Incomplete autograph draft (43 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.389 (1 sheet) |
Scherzo c-Moll
(Scherzo in c minor)
(Nowak no. 65 / Banks no. 78)
Incomplete autograph sketch (32 bars), ending with "etc., .
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.390 (1 sheet) |
(Nowak no. 76 / Banks no. ?)
1. End of the Symphonie-Finale (see Nowak no.
38 / Banks no. 38)
2. Various melody notes
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.344 (2 sheets) |
(Nowak no. 77 / Banks no. ?)
1. Melody for Das Vergißmeinnicht (The Forget-Me-Not)
(see Nowak no. 25 / Banks no. 33 / M-K
2. The first 6 bars of the String Quartet in c minor
(see. Nowak no. 44 / Banks no. 50 / M-K
164 f.)
3. A melody
4. A fuga theme
5. A double counterpoint with its reversal
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.395 |
Eine Szene aus
Schillers "Glocke"
(A Scene from Schiller's "Die Glocke" ("The Bell")
in C major)
(Nowak no. 66 / Banks no. 83)
Complete autograph piano sketch, no text (35 bars)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.391 (1 sheet) |
von Prf. Bknr." (Professor
("Theme by Prf. Bknr." (Professor Bruckner)
in C major)
(Nowak no. 78 / Banks no. 80)
Incomplete autograph sketch (44 bars) as well as
a coda and
the trio of the Klavierkomposition C-Dur (Nowak
no. 50/2 / Banks no. 62)
ÖNB Mus. Hs. 28.392 (1 sheet) |