This Lied was composed after June 28, 1876.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
allen Gipfeln
Ist Ruh',
In allen Wipfeln
Spürest Du
Kaum einen Hauch;
Die Vöglein schweigen im Walde.
Warte nur, balde
Ruhest du auch. |
Over all the peaks
There is calm,
In all the treetops
You feel
Hardly a breath of air.
The little birds have fallen silent in the woods.
Just wait, soon
You will also be at rest. |
by Hannelore Wirth © 2003
- all rights reserved |
This composition has 40 bars. |
(without any claim for completeness)
August 11, 2002
Dean Elzinga, bass/baritone
Dennis Helmrich, piano
New York/USA; Bard Music Festival
First performance |
October 12, 2002
Johannes Weinhuber, baritone
Markus Bellheim, piano
Würzburg/D, Great Hall of the former Mozartschule
First European performance |
July 13, 2004
Dominik Wörner, bass
Felicitas Strack, piano
Toblach/I, Gustav Mahler Saal |
August 14, 2004
Thomas Staudinger, baritone
Klaus Laczika, piano
St. Florian/A, Stift St. Florian, Sala terrena |
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