Hans Rott - His Importance

Updated on
January 4, 2025
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Internationale Hans Rott Gesellschaft
Copyright Martin Brilla
All rights reserved

Unfortunately, Hans Rott never had any chance to exert a direct influence upon the music of his time. But anyone comparing his Symphony No. 1 in E major with Mahler's (considerably later written) symphonies and considering that Mahler was familiar with Rott's first work, comes to recognize that Rott's ideas have been propagated and advanced by Gustav Mahler's œuvre. Thus Rott is being considered a link between Bruckner and Mahler.

Musicology has already begun to deal with Hans Rott's music and his relationship with Gustav Mahler. The research work is, however, still in its early stages. For it is not only his Symphony No. 1 in E major which holds quite a number of surprises such as themes which surface years later in Gustav Mahler's symphonies. Other works (Pastoral Prelude, Winter Song) reveal impressionistic tendencies - long before the first impressionistic creations by Debussy or Ravel. Some parts of the Pastoral Prelude also reminds the listener of Max Reger's works for orchestra composed decades later.

Gradually, the musically interested general public is realizing that Rott's music is a true gain not only from a musicological point of view. Thus the number of the annual performances of his First Symphony is increasing; the "Pastoral Prelude", too, can be heard more often in the concert halls now. And more and more of his works experience their first performance - after more than one hundred years.

More about Hans Rott's Importance:  
Bibliography Hans Rott (Eckhardt van den Hoogen)
- version française -
"... An Intensive Talent ..." (Walter Weidringer) "Do Not Laugh, Gentlemen..."
On the first performance of the "Pastoral Prelude for Orchestra" by Hans Rott (Thomas Leibnitz)

Internationale Hans Rott Gesellschaft