Hans Rott -
Das Echo (The Echo) in g minor
for mixed choir

(Nowak no. 12, Banks no. 28)

Updated on
August 23, 2017
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Copyright Martin Brilla
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This work was composed in Vienna.

Vincenz Zusner

Vincenz Zusner

Ein Mädchen weint im Waldesgrund und ruft durch's Dämmerlicht:
"Mein armes Herz, von Liebe wund, genest's auf Erden nicht?"
Und's Echo spricht: "Auf Erden nicht, auf Erden nicht!"

A maiden is weeping in the forest's depth and cries into the dimness:
"My poor heart, wounded by love, will it recover or not on earth?"
And the echo speaks: "Not on earth, not on earth!"

"So hätt' ich denn umsonst geweint, gelitten und gewagt?
Mein nasses Auge hätt' so oft den Schmerz umsonst geklagt?"
Und's Echo sagt: "Umsonst geklagt, umsonst geklagt!"
"Had I thus weeped, suffered and dared in vain?
Had my wet eye the pain so often moaned in vain?"
And the echo says: "moaned in vain, moaned in vain!"
"Ich hätt' umsonst hinauf geblickt, von wo der Trost uns strahlt?
Und dieses Herz, vom Leid gedrückt, genest nur wenn es kalt?"
Und's Echo schallt: "Nur wenn es kalt, nur wenn es kalt!"
"Had I in vain raised my eye to from where comfort shines on us?
And this heart, pressed by pain, will it recover only when it is cold?"
And the echo resounds: "Only when it is cold, only when it is cold!"
"Wohlan! So klag ich meinen Schmerz allein der Waldeskluft!
Und heilt mir nichts das kranke Herz, so heilt's die kühle Gruft!"
Und's Echo ruft: "Die kühle Gruft, die kühle Gruft!"
"Well! So I will moan my pain to the forest's abyss alone!
And if nothing will cure my sick heart, it shall recover in the cold vault!"
And the echo calls: "The cold vault, the cold vault!"
  Translation by Hannelore Wirth © 2003 - all rights reserved

Slow and broad  


Mixed choir: soprano - mezzo-soprano - alto - tenor - bass

This composition has 52 bars.  
This work is published by Doblinger (order number 44 780).

(without any claim for completeness)

April 6, 2003
Würzburger Sängerverein 1847 e.V.
Caroline Prozeller
Würzburg/D, Hochschule für Musik
First performance
July 15, 2006
Choral workshop conducted by Angelika Kölble at the 16th Herxheimer Treppenhauskonzert
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Internationale Hans Rott Gesellschaft